
How You Left Me is updated! 


Hey everyone! It's been a while! I updated How You Left Me last week, and the next chapter should be out in a few days. I'll send another notification when that's uploaded. 
          This school year has been incredibly draining and despite my best efforts, I just can't seem to sit down and write for long. I want to, but I don't get more than a paragraph or two written. I don't know why! This time last year I had writing on my brain 24/7 and unfortunately that has shifted massively. *Sigh*
          I hate that this has happened in the middle of HYLM because the updates were so consistent for so long. Hopefully some of you have stuck with me! 
          I'm not going to abandon the book and it will be completed with a (happy) ending. 


Hi friends, it's been a while lol. As some of you may or may not know, I'm a teacher and so the last few months have been difficult. I'm finally feeling somewhat settled (are we ever really 100%?) and one of my goals is to be more active on here this month. 
          My first goal is to update How You Left Me and finish writing this story in drafts. Then, I can hopefully transition onto other projects I have bouncing around in my head. 


hey everyone! unfortunately still suffering from a huge writer's block. I think all I can do is wait for inspiration to come back. Part of me hates how this happens periodically but it always comes back eventually. 
          I'm just going to keep releasing How You Left Me chapters until I'm out of drafts. There's probably a handful and a half left (lol). I'm going to try my best to be a bit more active on here in the coming weeks. 
          With that, HYLM should be updated in a few days. I just haven't had the time to edit the next chapter yet. 


I hate to make this announcement, but I'll be going on a small hiatus for the time being. My job has been taking all of my time and energy and I haven't written in over a week. I can't force words that aren't coming (for lack of a better phrase lol). Hopefully once my job settles down I will have the energy to write! 
          I'll be updating How You Left Me as I do have chapters in drafts, although maybe not on my strict weekly schedule because I do need to put time into going through them once more before publishing. I'll be trying to write when I can as well. I'm about 1/2 to 3/4 through HYLM. I also started another story that's a few chapters in but obviously no timeframe for that. 
          I'll be here still! I open the app about once a day and I do have bookclub obligations this month. So I'll never be completely gone! :) 


Thank you :) 


@augtwy don't worry about. you take care of yourself and do what you have to do. i know how exacting work can be and that it can interfere with one's creativity. when the time is right, you'll get back to writing.
            good luck and you have my well wishes.