
Thank you SO much for voting on Cache!! It seriously warms my heart and I love following your journey! I can’t wait to see what you think of the rest of it! ✨✨


@kitkat405 awh ty, that's so sweet! I do follow you, and I can't wait to read your next story. Hope the problem gets fixed soon!


@whitelieswetell ah YOU’RE the one with skills! How on earth did you read that fast?? It was like rapping but for reading! I am amazed and truly flattered! If you follow me then you’ll keep up to date with my next work which should be up once a wattpad glitch is addressed! 
            This will be different, a twist on a classic but I do hope you enjoy it! ✨✨✨


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@kitkat405 well, you won't have to wait long. and let me just say, fucking hell. damn girl, you got skills!!! that fact that i found it complete with a sequel? *chef's kiss* 
            I honestly did not see them as endgame, but I'm not complaining! All in all, I fucking loved it, tysm for that masterpiece. 
            Have you considered writing anything else?