won’t you worry less, you’ll grow wrinkles by now.
@auloubasi ،̲،̲ “with the way you were staring at me, you looked a bit more tired than you’d like to let on.” she hums, eyes falling close for a moment as she thinks to herself. “like i said, i’m giving you a perfect opportunity to lay down. (..) and maybe i’ll toss in a little cuddle or two.”
@draekrys not necessarily [ orobashi smiles. she finally turns her head, oceanic gaze landing upon ryoko. ] ah, not a bad view I suppose. [ she pressed a chaste kiss to ryoko’s lips. ] I feel quite fine, no need to for rest.
@auloubasi ،̲،̲ “are you so against looking at me now? last time i recall, (..) i’m quite nice to look at.” she would tease, maroon hues shift to look down at her with a small smile. “rest a bit, you need it. i’ve told you this countless times, allow me to take care of certain things for the time being.”