I'm alive again

Something happened recently. It's been putting my stories on hold. My grandpa on my mom's side died. He was a nice person. I visited him a few years ago in my country. He was happy and healthy. I wish I could say the same now. I built a better relationship with him after that. Before I didn't even know his name. He was funny, kind, and loved coffee, especially when I made it. He was an amazing person. It's horrible that he's gone now, but at least now he won't have to suffer because of his condition. I will resume story writing later, but for now, I will not be working on writing for a while. I hope you guys understand. Thank you.

@xXMysticalGirlXx I'm so sorry for your loss, I hope you're doing better! Take as much time as you need, we'll be here ❤❤

Good news! My school year is ending in 8 days, so with exhilaration, I can confirm that I will be able to updating often! School work has already decreased so I have been working on my writing. My parents give me work to do over the summer, but I will still have plenty of time to update on an orderly schedule. Sorry for the long hiatus!

I recommended some of my friends to read unOrdinary, and unlike before, they are actually reading it. Whille speaking with them about the early hundreds chapters, I recalled the innocence of being a new reader of unOrdinary. Good times.

btw nice new pfp :D

Happy late Lesbian Visibility day everyone !!

If you only date non-binary people, are you gay or straight?

omnisexual/romantic is similar to pan as well. skoliosexual/romantic also means attraction towards non-binary or trans people, so that’s something too. I’m pretty sure there are a few other sexualities that also fall into this sort of category, but are less commonly known.

@xXMysticalGirlXx pansexual means that you are open to any kind of romantic relationship, and if you're dating a non-binary person, I believe it would count for that.

I really need to stop reading the Remarried Empress for a while, every chapter fills me with pure rage

Happy Easter, everyone! Hope you all are having an amazing day!