
@Imagine0139 Haha both quotes are good but I especially like the mother in law joke. HAHAHA that is the funniest thing I've heard in ages. Maybe a good old court hearing will help him realise what an ass he is. Funny, but still an ass. Yeah those cupcakes make me drool. Except now, cos I just ate pasta. Looking at these cupcake sis now making me a little queasy. :S Thanks for the message, I appreciate it deary :P


Hi! I felt like giving you a message for no apparant reason. :) Anyways...
          ~Remember the Ex-Girlfriend Conversations? Turns out one of his old girlfriends found out, so they're sueing him. Lol. 
          ~I love Train (so you must love me in a total sisterly way! ;D)
          ~I still want to eat those cupcakes on your wall. Nom om om!
          ~I love that quote on your profile! I'm so going to remember that! :)
          Anywys, I think that's it! Have a great day and keep reading/writing!


*gasps* You're writing again?! Well, you wrote 'Will resume writing crap'. I don't want you to do something you don't. Seriously. I won't mind if you stop for a longer time. I'd like you to write when you don't feel like writing is crap. Oh no now I'm telling people what to do...Do whatever you like! Oh wait...
          0_0 Nevermind. I'm just happy you're going to write again. :)
          Have a good day/night!


I know what you mean! The one with the astronaut I am in the middle of (meaning I watched Episode 2 and not Episode 3 yet). Can you believe they'd create ones as scary as the Angels??? I really needed my comfort pillow there, and Q didn't even respond. But you are back. Right?


I said I'd lend the keys. Lend. As in you need to give them back at some point. But no, you went and took the TARDIS around, didn't you? Had your fun, hadn't you? Let's come back to this place and time and give us some news from the Lune sisters, mmm?