Hi ^^
So as I said here’s the synopsis, it is heavily inspired by the game Detroit Become Human but the story will be different.
Hope you’re going to like it! :)
(please do not hesitate to correct me if I made spelling mistakes)
MIROH: Become Human (the title is not definitive)
"2050, the world we know is no longer present.
Everything -from home appliances to entire buildings- is automatised, to not say "robotic". Humans can not longer live without the help of Androids and technology.
Random peoples get selected to be send to what they call "District", in order to create those Androids.
Some of them see Androids as their fellow being, sometimes even a family member.
But others only see them as their own slaves, as useless plastic pieces…
In this world of technology, the problems of our current one still persist: drugs, violence, discriminations… but worst than everything, lies.
The top brass look down to the more miserable ones and lies to them with impunity.
They lies about the world they’re living in.
They lies about the outside world.
They lies about the origins of the Androids.
They lies about the Districts…"