I feel like a stalker always stalking your board because of the new book lol, do you plan to get published one day ?

@aurora_rain @official_bluesette I'm really excited to see you're still here <3

@aurora_rain well I'll never forget about you! Ofc aurora and I'm happy things seem to be going good in your life!

@official_bluesette BAHA that's okay, i love to see you're still around! Sometimes i get worried by the time i release my next book everyone will have forgotten me :( new book is about 65% done. i need to give it more attention, but lately i have a lot of other committments. i'm planning a wedding, trying to buy a house, i work full time in serious crime and i'm about to graduate! it's been hectic. but YES i do want to be published one day. i don't know when i'll write something of a quality that i'll seek publishing, but it is definitely on the agenda. xxxx stay tuned and keep reaching out please!