
I hate it when authors describe their male characters as "chiseled."


@auroraxreverie REAL get some new synonyms for your boys please T-T


@auroraxreverie djhkskfjds i think they're going for a marble statue sort of thing? it makes it sound like all the book boyfriends are manufactured in the same lab tho lmaooooo


Hey girlieeee! This is random but do you happen to have Google chats? Cuz I tbh miss you and I feel like we rarely talk anymore bc we are both less on wp T^T


@auroraxreverie Ikr? I know why they got rid of them but they still shouldn’t have ToT XD Great ty! I’ll message you rn! (Also we love the silly emails. Mine is just as weird don’t worry XD)


@TheBlaisse okie dokie! ✨ It's too bad we don't have pms anymore for privacy :/ but it's okay, we can just delete these messages when we're done lol! My email is (not me still using the same silly email I came up with when I was like 12 xDD)


@_tropicalvibes_ @auroraxreverie aw yay! Just let me know if yall wanna exchange emails so we can chat there


I hate it when authors describe their male characters as "chiseled."


@auroraxreverie REAL get some new synonyms for your boys please T-T


@auroraxreverie djhkskfjds i think they're going for a marble statue sort of thing? it makes it sound like all the book boyfriends are manufactured in the same lab tho lmaooooo


Wow. Nothing will make you feel single like being the only single in a large friend group. Gee, don’t I just love being 13th wheel all the time ✨✨


@wxnderland_addict FR IT WAS SO BADDD T-T XD it's okay ig, I just also miss the group dynamic; instead of the funny guy saying his funny thoughts out loud he now says them quietly just to his gf and we all miss out on a laugh. That's funny, I had the opposite experience lol--in freshman year I only knew like one person, my best friend at the time, and she had recently found new friends and basically ignored me, and I was socially awkward after covid, so it was a rlly bad scenario all around...I remember falling asleep crying I was so lonely sometimes. I'm so glad that's changed XD I remember the day I got invited into the group chat felt like such a big deal, like a literal battle victory or smth XD covid wrought havoc on everyone oh my gosh. I feel the worst for the young kids whose social development was impaired by being stuck at home :/ I'm honestly so scared to see how this new generation of ipad kids turn out when they grow up- makes me sad anytime I walk into a restaurant and see yet another little kid staring mindlessly into an idiotic cartoon playing on a screen five inches from their eyeballs, missing out on the family dinner going on around them.


@auroraxreverie NOT GROUP CUDDLE TIME T-T THAT SOUNDS LIKE A NIGHTMARE BRO, friend groups are really nice though, i had a friend group back in freshman year of high school, it was just four of us but for someone who struggles to make friends having them really made my freshman year the best year of my high school experience! i got invited to a birthday party, we had a movie night and even went bowling once. unfortunately people tend to move on once you move away, but it was a really good year anyway, especially after middle school which involved that whole covid debacle ;-; the Covid Years tm were the worst


someone tell me why the movie Anastasia is so underrated--it has literally the best animated romance ever and the most hauntingly beautiful song


does anyone else have a love-hate relationship with their own name? I love my full name but lowkey dislike the nickname… but I always go by the nickname so~


@auroraxreverie ahhh Amanda is such a pretty name!! And I agree, I love my name but also kind of wish my parents had decided on Natalie (their other top choice) xD 


@auroraxreverie I am legitimately conflicted over whether to use a pen name or not when publishing tbh


@auroraxreverie o I definitely feel you with the nickname thing, because I get a major ick when people try to go for "angie" lmaoo. Like I don't always vibe with my full name and it's so long but the nicknames don't seem right either (and my dad's name is ángel so angel is out of the question). Personally I think the name Mandy is cute and I don't see it as childish but maybe that's bc my ex-stepmom's name is Mandy and I've never met any little kids named Mandy lol. It is defo weird when your name just like. Doesn't quite fit your vibe, like I'm more of a loud tomboy and people perceive me as more masculine or whatever and I have this Disney princess ahh name lololol


My brother still texts like a ten year old. Accidentally saw him typing something to his friends, and his message was “I Lego man, you crazy man”
          at least he capitalized Lego-


@auroraxreverie ah, nice to know brothers are a universal experience 


@_tropicalvibes_  honestly the most embarrassing thing I can remember ever typing was when I was twelve and used a disgustingly extravagant amount of sparkly hearts and exclamation points in every sentence XD (I'm not kidding you, there were like 50 hearts in every message, and I didn't cringe at it at the time-)


The fact that we're already almost 11 months into 2024 is wild~
          Did this year feel like a literal second to anybody else?


@auroraxreverie it DID like hello?? It just started…


@wxnderland_addict ikr? It's funny how you never understand the phrase "time flies" as a kid, but then all of a sudden you get hit with the realization that it is, in fact, almost a new year, and like where the heck did all those months go T-T


@auroraxreverie that feels like such a weird futuristic year


also do the crow and brown mushroom show up properly for everyone else in my bio? I've noticed sometimes it works but sometimes it changes it to a bird head + black square and a red mushroom + brown square :/


@_tropicalvibes_ @wxnderland_addict dang that's so annoying T-T Ig I gotta change those; can't have them muddying up the aesthetic yk


@auroraxreverie on my phone at least I see the squares and stuff