
I wish authors would bring back chapter titles.


Hey ~ 
          I've been trying to get ahold of you over email, but I'm wondering if my messages went to spam? Anyhow, let me know if you got them! I had some questions regarding beta reading for you ^^
          Thanks <3


@eatingher_words Hey! Oh my goodness, that's so strange!! I just looked in my spam, and there they were. No idea why they got sent there, I'm so sorry about that! Thanks for reaching out--I will totally get back to you soon! <3


Hi, do you got a public Pinterest account? I’d love to follow you! <33 alsoalso how have you been?!


@auroraxreverie ikr, if an author can do that to me I love them ✨
            YAYAYAY <333
            Glitches are the actual worst, glad you got it now T-T


@_tropicalvibes_ AH YAY XD I have no clue what wasn't working, maybe a glitch or smth but I'm glad it fInAlLy worked XDD <3


@_tropicalvibes_ AHH sobbing is the best XDD I so will, I gotta get through my current stack of books but on my next trip to B&N I shall be buying that fsss


Glitchpad has made me confirm my email six times in the past two days.   -_-


@_tropicalvibes_ bahaha girl IT'S STILL DOING IT every time I log in I have to confirm my email T-T


Watched a couple miraculous episodes the other day with my sister to make fun of them, and the first thing my sister said when Adrien transformed was a disgusted: "Eugh, he's like a furry!"  
          I died. XD Anyway, Ik what you're thinking, and yes, me and my sis do watch things merely for the pleasure of making fun of them XD there are so many older fans of that show that I was curious about the appeal, so I suggested we watch a one of them ... and one turned into four episodes XD soooo yeah, I mayyy have gotten slightly sucked into the fandom ... I can't believe myself. (but the chaotic BANTER! I'm such sucker for banter between mc's T-T)


@_tropicalvibes_ IKRRRRRRR I LITERALLY- *melts* I CAN'T TAKE THAT KIND OF CHIVALRY WITHOUT LOSING MY MINDDD (would I die of embarrassment if someone called ME milady irl? yes. Do I still absolutely live for it in fiction? YES.)


Happy New Year everyone!!! I cannot believe it’s 2025 already. I’m kinda sad, but also excited to see what the new year will hold for me!


Waittt I could’ve sworn you posted something about dogs…unless I’m gaining a mental imagination disorder xD


@auroraxreverie Bahaha I get that!! Sometimes I write things on a tired mind and come back to it like… what the freak did I do xD 


@_tropicalvibes_ no I did bahaha but I deleted it bc I wrote it at a time when I hadn’t had more than 3 hours of sleep in the past 30 hours, and rereading it felt kinda weird XD like I still meant everything I said but I didn’t like how I worded some stuff XD


@auroraxreverie OMG so I love dogs but I get this sm, there’s no excuse for behavior like that from them. People should reprimand or teach them to not invade people. We have a dog who gets excited at every human that comes at the door so we try to pick her up bc she likes to jump (she’s small but sharp nails). I understand you!! (Coming from someone whose dog has been in a fight with another dog and that dog decided to come on me too)


merry christmas everyone!!


@auroraxreverie Oh wowww, both experiences sound terrifying. I can see why you don’t favor dogs…
            Yeah I was okay! The dog just kind of jumped on me and then I ran home crying with my dog ☠️
            The owner came to our door and apologized and the dog is now always on a rope which is good


@_tropicalvibes_ yeahh see I appreciate that. Like I’ve been in contact with a lot of dogs who behaved badly enough around new people (biting, freaking out, shoving, and jumping on people) that their owners should really be more aware that it’s not acceptable, and at that point they should just keep their dogs to themselves, instead of inflicting them on every stranger that comes to their home. And other stuff too, like one time I was going to a guy’s house to hang with a new friend group, and I’d never been there before, and he had these huge guard dogs outside when I arrived. It was dark, the ground was icy, and all I can see are these huge dogs that look like german shepherds or at least mixes, and I’m scared to get out of the car bc I don’t know how they’ll react to me, a stranger, and I can’t call the guy for help bc I don’t have his number. The dogs are sniffing around my car and growling, so I make my dad get out with me and kind of distract the dogs while I get to the house, and it worked out, but what if the dogs hadn’t taken to us? If I had huge dogs I’d keep them away if I had a party of strangers coming over, not let them roam outside and have guests have to deal with them when they arrived. Just stuff most dog owners don’t think about, but should. Another time I was younger, like 10-12 maybe, and I was at a party with family, and I got bit on the hand by this freaking massive dog who was overexcited by all the little kids running around. I don’t mind dogs as long as they’re polite, but most people seem to not train their pets or care about it. (Oh wow, were you okay??)


the struggle of desperately trying not to redeem all your villains or turn them into the's so tempting- T-T


@auroraxreverie bahaha fr my optimistic self can't resist a redemption arc