
Well I'm done I try to stand tall but I can't I'm done with it all @vovnix 


@ausburn  please don't try to end ur life. No matter what u r going through and u need someone to talk to then you can talk to me eventhough you don't know me, I'll listen to you bcuz my friends and myself have gone through it. Miraculously, we didn't kill ourselfs but I'll always try to prevent someone trying to end their life 


Freaking hell @ausburn  you scared the crap of me! I thought I was too late when I received your comment.
          What happened to your gf? What about your family? I'm here to listen to you if you need to talk. You're so young and there's so much life ahead of you. Trust me when I say that your life is still young. 
          Sorry, I lost my laptop charger for a few days :/


Hey @ausburn , I know it's hard being bullied. No matter what type it is; whether in reality, through the internet, physically, sexually, verbally or emotionally.
          I can relate to you 100%
          I went through my primary school days being bullied and it started again in high school. But you need to stop!
          STOP listening to them and seek help. 
          LISTEN to your own advice about telling someone who wouldn't judge and can lend an ear.
          I will be here for you if you want to talk to me because life is too precious to throw away just because of other people who have no other life but to torment normal people.
          Please message me  back so I know I reached you in time.
          People care about you, so think about them instead of the haters!


Nice profile picture =) You should def get that on canvas and hang it in your room or something!
          Oh and I forgot to tell you that of course I don't mind if you wrote a book with element. I don't own the right to stories with elemental sorts of powers =) So definitely go ahead and write one up! =D