Hey Austin!! I’m just dropping by to give you a warm welcome to the amazing, yet slightly crazy world of Wattpad. My name is Mia and I’m an ambassador of this site. It’s one of my jobs to help out the newest members who have joined us as well as being a helping hand to anyone who asks so If you have any questions or queries just send me a message by clicking reply or visiting my wall. I love to help so please don’t be shy. For further assistance here are some useful links: - http://support.wattpad.com/home (the official support page) - http://support.wattpad.com/entries/386469-how-do-i-promote-my-story http://www.wattpad.com/user/WPNinja (official ambassador page) I’m usually around so feel free to contact me, as I love making friends and helping out. If your feeling a little lost at the moment, I suggest checking out the clubs and forums we have on offer by typing in this link: www.wattpad.com/clubs. Thanks for joining this amazing community and good luck with any writing projects :D Cheers. ♥ Happy wattpadding!