

@austinbryanlindain Your apologies are appreciated. Thank you also for taking the time to read what we've commented on. Please just try to spread love rather than the opposite in future. I think everybody can do with a little more happiness at times. Of course, it doesn't take much to spread. Thank you again!


@austinbryanlindain thank you for apologising, and for taking the time to reconsider your future approach to the feedback you give! All we wanted to do, was let you know that your words also have impact on people, regardless of whether they're positive or negative. Freedom of speech is a right, yes, but the freedom of making another person feel good or bad about themselves is a responsibility. I'm glad you realise that. Perhaps it's a language barrier thing that made your comments come off as rude, and it truly was a desire from your side to help these authors develop their writing. Which ever way, the past is in the past and I, we, do appreciate that you have taken our words on-board and perhaps helped you a bit too. So, thank you!


@austinbryanlindain as lovely as your comments were, Austin, I have to agree with my friends. 
          They shouldn't have to feel pressured or disappointed with their fanfiction or stories due to comments. Fair enough slight criticism, such as pointing out a typo, is great in my eyes.
          Saying you don't like their whole fanfic and therefore implying it should be changed, is something to keep to yourself.
          I seriously see where they're coming from. Immensely, in fact. 
          When you commented on Skinny Love, we were all shocked. Ash wrote Skinny love how -she- wanted to write it. That's the way it should be.
          With all due respect, please only criticise peoples' work if you're also going to say something nice. If you have nothing nice to say and a hell of a lot of bad stuff to say, it'd be a lot better to keep it to yourself.
          Nobody, as I'm sure even yourself would agree with my saying this, deserves to wake up to comments that makes them disappointed or uncertain about themselves or their stories.
          Please be more considerate. 
          If you don't like a story and you want it to be changed; write it yourself. As if  a story is changed to suit one person's needs, it's no longer -that- story anymore. If Freak or Skinny Love was to be changed for your pleasure, the plot would be so different, they would no longer be Skinny Love or Freak. 
          I understand that not everybody likes every single story out there.
          Please respect this and what my friends and I have to say.
          Thank you!


No, I only said that I would prefer the story be in that way, and it was not in any way directed into a negative manner. If you had thought so, I am sorry, and I have misspoke. I appreciate everyone's free will, and I have made use of mine. I know I have offended many, but it was not my intention to do so. I overused, misused my freedom. Good day, random stranger in the Internet.


I live in Saudi Arabia. I don't think preaching freedom is their culture, so it's hard to keep pace, cute pineapple guy/gal.


@colour-me-troyler I feel happy to know that, miss/mister. You are kind, kind, kind. And I, was not able to be as friendly as you these past few days. Maybe it's how my homophobic, judgmental, stereotypical, racist, sexist, misogynist community is creeping up to me. I'm disappointed of myself, and I have never knew my words had such power to ruin people's day. To Kali (I sincerely don't understand what's happening), I am also sorry to her because how she wrote and how she executed her story was extremely beautiful and professional. The slight points where I wanted the story be didn't happen, and didn't need to, because it's hers, hers only, and I have nor right to dictate her what to do. I simply expressed my opinion and my thoughts on her e-novel/fanfiction, and they were mostly positive, but I also had negative thoughts which I should have just kept in secrecy. Thank you to all of these people for being open-minded and for reminding me of who I am and that I don't need to get sucked in of what the world is making me be. I, from the very start, admired you and were one of the reasons of making me happy despite the harshness of the world I live in.


This gives me life. And just so you know, austinbrianlindain, I agree with Maddy and will also defend my friends, regardless of what you've commented on my fic. Pro-tip: if you can't say something nice, don't comment at all. Not everyone is looking for critique or feedback on their work that involves anything but encouragement. Now, going on the fact that you've opened up for that kind of critique yourself by leaving such comments on other's works on this forum, I would say that me saying this to you is validated. Furthermore, I truly look forward to seeing the fic you're currently writing. I can. Not. Wait. :)