I'm working my butt off to finish Trapped Wolf. I have four drafts all planned out that just need to be written. I'm writing every day. I am not satisfied with chapters, anymore, unless that have at least 3000 words. I've contemplated going back in to do the same to the first few chapters I wrote, but I feel like the story is already set up enough that that's no longer needed or an option. Please let me know what you think. Once Trapped Wolf is complete I'm going to work on The Horses and I and rewriting Growing Up and Pregnant. I have a few new story ideas I'll be putting out, but unless they're sought after, I will not continue with them. They will be published in the novel titled Short Story. We will be moving by the end of the month to our own property and unless we immediately get internet, I will be without a way to upload for a while. Keep an eye out for an update on the story you're into, I'll be working on completing as many as I possibly can in 25 days.