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Hello! Not sure if you're taking reading requests, but I can assure you that my book is not too bad ;) My name is Raven, and I'm an aspiring author as well as a genuine reader :) I have a new book that I'm writing called "Too Close for Comfort," a book of common clichés with unexpected plot twists. I update every week day and I am active on Wattpad all the time if you wanna be friends!
          I hope you have a good day/night


HEHE thank you for this! it means so so much :) can't wait for you to read the rest <3 as i mentioned before, i update every weekday! stay tuned for tmr's update :)


@raven_kade absolutely! I have been enjoying it so much that I'm actually all caught up.  :) I like that it is "cliché" without being cliché. I love Mack's character, witty comebacks, snarkiness, ability to see and call out bs, and the big heart she has for those in her inner circle. I'm looking forward to the rest of the story.  :)


^^^^ I noticed you've been reading Too Close for Comfort! Thank you so so much, I hope you're enjoying


Hi there! Hope you're doing good. 
          If you're looking for some promotions for your book, check out this book! And it's not just about promoting, there are other things you can achieve. Don't miss the chance!