
Hello author. May i know when r u going to update mdzs reacts? I have been waiting for what's gonna happen onwards...


@author_shree0209 thank u for the response. No need to rush, I'm just curious in case the story is going to be discontinued. 
            Ill be waiting for the next update and sure will enjoy it..


@XCUndeserving i will do it soon. Currently i have a lot of things to focus on and have zero free time let alone time for this. But i will try to update it within week or the next week for sure.
            Thank you for your wait.....i hope you enjoy it when i upload the next chapter.


Did you accidently update new chapter?


@EchaLovesMuffin it's ok i don't mind....


@EchaLovesMuffin oh okay! I'm so sorry for asking..is that my mom take my phone away so it's really suck..i use my old phone which every 1 hour its gonna shut down cause of glitch.. sorry again c:


@EchaLovesMuffin it's not that i want to update on those two particular days only...... it's actually i still have to write the reaction and i gave the time on which i think i would be able to complete it till that day.......


          So as you have written in ur recent message, I think the past elements and boboiboy can ask about the adventures of the future kokotiam team and talk about it. And also how differently they behave now in future. Some of the pranks that gopal and fang did with boboiboy and that boboiboy did with them( and as far as I know ur great in writing pranks) 
          And also you can write about the reaction of amato after seeing his future son and his adventures. ☺☺


And thanks for the idea it will help


@Mahika_2121 ya after this chapter it will be about his fights.......but for his relationship with amoto i guess any child.......even the bean.......will be atleast a bit mad that he lest him alone for years.......so it will have ups and downs but will be happy ending 


Hey!! I really like your story! It's amazing!! And i suggest you to do ttm as you asked in ur recent chapter. Also a request, I want you to bring the future kokotiam gang and the future elementals as I want to see their reaction!! Especially the reaction of Boboiboy when he finally meets Amato☺... 
          Continue ur story.. It's going great!! 


@Mahika_2121 thanks for liking my story and don't worry i plan on bringing them......but after episode 2 reaction thats why as to decide in which chapter to bring them i am doing this poll.....
            Thanku for supporting me......it means a lot