Good morning/afternoon/night, whenever you see this, I'd like to let everyone know that 'Perfect Flaws' is officially re-edited entirely.
Now, if you're wondering what the difference is between the first published edition, to the now revamped edition, is the following:
- New scenes and flashbacks
- More Character Dept
- New Small Side Characters
- Darker Fantasy World
- Prologue
- Chapter Playlist
- New Character Aesthetics
Of course, the book is relatively the same, I didn't change the plot too much, but you do get a better look at some of the character's lives, and you get to see new scenes that were not in the book before.
If you're a returning reader, I hope you give this book another read as it better than the last draft.
If you're a newcomer, I hope you enjoy the book, and leave your thoughts about it in the comments.
Please vote on the chapters to allow the book to get more attention.
also, 'Perfect Flaws' has a new cover ;)
Anywho, Thank you all for supporting me and my books. I appreciate every single one of you.
And don't forget to check out the Spotify Playlist made for each chapter of this book!
- hc