Signing Off for Good: Hey everyone, Taylor here I just want to start off by saying I'm sorry, the title isn't a lie, I'm not going to be active on this account anymore, and I know a lot of you are going to be upset, sad, angry even, and I get it I made this account when I was thirteen, and I turn 20 this month. I loved writing here and interacting with you guys, but it's just not the same anymore. I'm an adult, I can drink, I can drive, I'm a teacher for fucks sake - hanging on to something I made as a depressed and socially inept child just isn't something I want to bring into my adult life All of my original stories will remain on this account for y'all to enjoy, but I'm done with this account for good Thanks for sticking with me these past seven years y'all, it's been fun, really Signing off, Taylor <3

im emotional and saying random things, prob because im on my period, I'll just leave now

like wow, you've been here since you're 13, and now you're a whole grown woman, I completely get it but idk why it makes me really sad, reminded me of toy story idk why