
Hi All, 
          	Thank you so much for all of the sweet comments on Malentendido. I read them, appreciate them and love to hear from all of you!!


Hi! Malentendido will be available on Amazon on July 22nd! It's available now for preorder for $0.99. <3


Hi All, 
          Thank you so much for all of the sweet comments on Malentendido. I read them, appreciate them and love to hear from all of you!!


Hi! Malentendido will be available on Amazon on July 22nd! It's available now for preorder for $0.99. <3


Cast of Characters
          I realize it’s been some time since most of you read Maldeamores (Lovesick) and I don’t expect you to remember all the characters, so here’s a little refresher course.
          Belén Heredia – AKA: Bey, Len, Lenny, Beylenny, B. Belén is the heroine of the story. She’s Luciano’s cousin.
          Luciano Cabrera - AKA: Lucky. Lucky is the hero of the story. He’s Belén’s cousin.
          Betty Heredia - AKA: Mami, Tía Betty. Belén’s mother, Lucky’s Aunt, Awilda’s sister.
          Awilda Cabrera - AKA: Titi, Tía Awilda, Ma. Lucky’s mother, Belén’s Aunt, Betty’s sister.
          Jimena Heredia – AKA: Tía Hemi. Betty and Awilda’s sister. Lucky and Belén’s aunt, the black sheep of the family. 
          Yaritza – AKA: Yari. Belén’s best friend, Lucky’s on and off sexual partner.
          Adam – The man Belén married after she lost Lucky. He lost his twin brother Luke while he was serving overseas.
          Luke: Belén and Adam’s son.
          Jeremy: Belén’s on and off high school boyfriend.
          Luis: Belén’s father, Betty’s uncle.
          Irma: Proprietress of the neighborhood botánica.


Hello! I'll be posting Malentendido (misunderstood), the sequel to Maldeamores (lovesick) on here starting today. Maldeamores should be read first (or else nothing will make any sense!) Enjoy!