
          	Sorry for not updating any stories this year. Since the last week of March my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer. Me and my mom had to take care of him everyday taking him in and out of the hospital and putting him in a nursing home. I’ve been busy at work and helping my mom with my dad’s care at home. It got worst everyday until June 28, 2024 my dad no longer is suffering and passed away. It really took a toll on me and I’m not sure if I can go back to writing and finish my stories. Give me time to mourn and grieve, and hopefully I can get back and I’m starting a new story that still in progress (i.e in my head) can’t decide on the story plot. 
          	Anyways thank you for understanding and HAPPY READING!!


          	  Love and prayers to you and your family. 


          Sorry for not updating any stories this year. Since the last week of March my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer. Me and my mom had to take care of him everyday taking him in and out of the hospital and putting him in a nursing home. I’ve been busy at work and helping my mom with my dad’s care at home. It got worst everyday until June 28, 2024 my dad no longer is suffering and passed away. It really took a toll on me and I’m not sure if I can go back to writing and finish my stories. Give me time to mourn and grieve, and hopefully I can get back and I’m starting a new story that still in progress (i.e in my head) can’t decide on the story plot. 
          Anyways thank you for understanding and HAPPY READING!!


            Love and prayers to you and your family. 


Hello my fellow readers and writers!
          Sorry I haven’t been updating Luna Rising and Rex. Here’s the thing. I have the chapters written but are not finished. I’m having writers block for a while and work also had been keeping occupied especially working late hours. So I would get tired all the time. I need to set a schedule for me to write. But by next month I’ll get back to writing once everything is settled.
          Thank you for understanding and HAPPY READING!!


Hey my fellow readers and followers,
          Bad news…I’m positive for COVID…again!
          I know that sucks. So I’m writing quick here because of my headache and feeling fatigue. It happened before because it would be first my mom and cousin who are positive so being in the house got me contagious. 
          So, for the update of my stories, will be postpone. I was supposed to have them edit today before posting but right now I’m not feeling well. 
          I apologize for the inconvenience and it’s been a while since I update. A lot has been happening for the past couple of months. I forgot one of my main priorities. 
          The update for Luna Rising and Rex will be postponed yet again. 
          I’m sorry and have a wonderful week! 


Hello Marielle! We would love for you to join our 2023 Nano Watt Season a mini version of the Wattys . We have 1000 slots available across 10 categories. Submission close May 10. Head over to our profile for more details.
          The Nano Watt,
          Crowning Excellence!


          I know I’ve been late updating on REX and LUNA RISING lately. There has been a lot going on and it’s giving me stress that I’m not fulfilling my job to update the chapters on time. 
          I apologize. But for the two stories with the updated chapter I will have them returned to their original schedule. 
          Thank you for understanding and have a safe Halloween! 




@user28332363 I’m sorry again, which story are you referring to? Are you talking about one of the Wolfe Brothers series or Luna Rising? 


@user28332363 same goes for you. May I ask which part are you referring to? 