
Hi, everyone. I'm sorry for not being very active here and uploading Blood Oath and other stories. Honestly, I promised myself that I would write more this year, but sadly, I'm not doing so, so far. One reason is that I don't feel motivated to write at the moment (although I have ideas in my mind), and another is things in my personal life...
          	At the end of January, my mom was hospitalized because of some health issues. She underwent surgery at the beginning of this month (February), but at the same time when she let me know she was hospitalized, she told me that she has cancer. Today I found out that she went to oncology to heal but I'm really worried about her because I don't know if she'll make it.
          	So I want to apologize in advance that I'll be inactive for some more time. I'll come back and upload at the end of March/the beginning of April, but now, I am, unfortunately, not really able to write anything. I sincerely apologize to everyone who is waiting for the next chapters of my stories. 
          	I hope you all are doing well. Thank you for understanding, and I'm really sorry again. ❤️


@authornimnikarose55  there is no need to apologise. your mum is more important and I hope she is doing better .Take the time you need as you need that strength for you and your mum .Take care 


@authornimnikarose55  Little Nika, there are no words to say to ease your pain and sadness, right now. But because I am already a mom and have two wonderful sons, just as you are a wonderful daughter, I will tell you two things. It's trite, but everything is in life and everything happens for a reason, whether unpleasant or pleasant. Your mom is currently experiencing a difficult situation and the whole family is close to her. But cancer is a disease that feeds on heartache and sadness. Calmness in front of her, and encouragement without a sign of sadness will be an additional medicine for her. I know that you know all this better than I do, you are my child, educated, cultured and certainly smarter than me. Because everyone in our family environment has lived it and lived it again, history has shown me that when the patient is treated as if he is going through a difficult illness, yes, but manageable, everything goes for the better. It requires patience, strength and courage. Whichever God you believe in is great, the trial will make you all stronger and I definitely believe your mom will be fine. A big apology if I said things too much. I wish the best. You don't need to inform about us but maybe to escape a little. 


Hi, everyone. I'm sorry for not being very active here and uploading Blood Oath and other stories. Honestly, I promised myself that I would write more this year, but sadly, I'm not doing so, so far. One reason is that I don't feel motivated to write at the moment (although I have ideas in my mind), and another is things in my personal life...
          At the end of January, my mom was hospitalized because of some health issues. She underwent surgery at the beginning of this month (February), but at the same time when she let me know she was hospitalized, she told me that she has cancer. Today I found out that she went to oncology to heal but I'm really worried about her because I don't know if she'll make it.
          So I want to apologize in advance that I'll be inactive for some more time. I'll come back and upload at the end of March/the beginning of April, but now, I am, unfortunately, not really able to write anything. I sincerely apologize to everyone who is waiting for the next chapters of my stories. 
          I hope you all are doing well. Thank you for understanding, and I'm really sorry again. ❤️


@authornimnikarose55  there is no need to apologise. your mum is more important and I hope she is doing better .Take the time you need as you need that strength for you and your mum .Take care 


@authornimnikarose55  Little Nika, there are no words to say to ease your pain and sadness, right now. But because I am already a mom and have two wonderful sons, just as you are a wonderful daughter, I will tell you two things. It's trite, but everything is in life and everything happens for a reason, whether unpleasant or pleasant. Your mom is currently experiencing a difficult situation and the whole family is close to her. But cancer is a disease that feeds on heartache and sadness. Calmness in front of her, and encouragement without a sign of sadness will be an additional medicine for her. I know that you know all this better than I do, you are my child, educated, cultured and certainly smarter than me. Because everyone in our family environment has lived it and lived it again, history has shown me that when the patient is treated as if he is going through a difficult illness, yes, but manageable, everything goes for the better. It requires patience, strength and courage. Whichever God you believe in is great, the trial will make you all stronger and I definitely believe your mom will be fine. A big apology if I said things too much. I wish the best. You don't need to inform about us but maybe to escape a little. 


Happy New Year to everyone! I wish you a year full of joy and unforgettable moments! May the year 2025 bring you health, happiness, and success in all you do! ❤️
          First of all, I want to apologize for not being very active. Before Christmas, I posted about being free and wanting to write a special chapter (deleted it later), but it turned out that I wasn't really that free and occupied with some stuff in real life. Now, during Christmas, when I actually have time to update/edit, I'm being lazier than I expected, lol. But of course, I'll try to overcome this laziness and update soon (basically in the new year).
          Honestly, this year (2024) wasn't the best for me. I went through some stuff, online and even offline (in real life), and that's why there was a lack of updates from time to time. In the new year, I want to try updating more, though. I have some stories in my draft that I want to bring back, some new ones, and also those that are ongoing. Hopefully, I'll have more free time the next year than I had this year.
          In fact, one story which I once published will be back soon.
          Also, next year, we're having Taekook's and Minimoni's comeback, so BTS will be reunited soon! I can't wait already! ❤️
          Anyway, I hope you'll have a good last day of the year. Do you have any wishes for the new year? I don't usually do this, but I'd really love to travel because I haven't been anywhere for a long time - hopefully during the summer or early autumn.


Hii! Hope you are doing well. Are you going to update the rest of the chapters of blood oath?


Heyyy thanks for responding! You dont need to apologise. I lovee loveee ur work!! Take your time :)


@lightmepurple Hi! Yes, I'm doing well, thank you. I'm currently occupied with some real-life matters, but I should be more free on Friday next week, so I'll update the next two chapters on Friday and the rest on the weekend.
            Thank you for your patience, and I sincerely apologize for the delay. Have a great weekend and an amazing next week. ❤️


If you were a kpop idol, what position would you hold in the group? Or would you rather be a soloist?
          As for me, I think I'd be one of the lead dancers. I love dancing, it's really fun, but I wouldn't say I'm too good at it to have the position of the main dancer. But, on the other hand, I can't sing or rap so only that one position would be enough.


@user25816118 Yes, that's true. Thank you, and you too. Have a great day or night. :)❤️❤️❤️


@authornimnikarose55 i already read it but i'm waiting to read it again after the editing is done take your time anyway life isn't just wattpad always be well my sweet


@user25816118 I'm glad too. :) ❤️❤️❤️ If you haven't read Blood Oath yet, then you can read it in a few days (when the editing will be finished and all chapters published back). But for the other two, it will take a bit of time.


Hi...just read all the messages. Have always read and enjoyed your stories. It's really heartbreaking to see your stories posted by someone else. But the audacity of that reader to follow that person who has copied your work...really.. It was as if she was threatening you to continue that story. It's so hard work to write a story. I can understand as I have too written some. I was furious when I saw my stories posted on some other website. I hope you will continue writing. 


@Dua1107 Hello! First of all, thank you very much for always reading and enjoying my stories. I really appreciate it. ❤️ I agree. it's heartbreaking and extremely infuriating when people do that. I honestly have no idea why people do that (and not just when it comes to this but generally, there are many copycats). And the audacity of this reader telling me this all is so unbelievable, sickening, and wrong at the same time.
            I'm sorry to hear you went through the same. I hope you didn't stop writing because of it. And again, I totally agree with you, because like you said, it's hard to write a story (and write it properly). Those people simply do not understand this and think it's okay to copy - reality check, it is NOT. Never was, never will be. It's just... so wrong. So disgusting. Lazy. And it's even more sickening to see some people support it (and those people simply DO NOT UNDERSTAND the real hard work behind each story) and do not understand it IS wrong. 
            Exactly, I feel the same. It was as if they were threatening me to continue. Honestly, I made my final decision when I announced discontinuation. If they can't accept it, it's their problem. Not mine.
            Thank you again for always reading and enjoying my stories and for replying to my message too. And I apologize for the long reply. :) Have a great Sunday and day/night. :)❤️


Everyone, please read the latest 2 messages from a reader of Vendetta on my Message Board and my replies to them, because the audacity is, honestly, unbelievable.
          But what I want to point out to you all although I'm saying this over and over is that EVERY story and plot I published and will publish is ORIGINALLY MINE! This means if ANY of my stories or plots are published SOMEWHERE ELSE or on SOMEONE ELSE'S PROFILE, it is COPIED and SHOULD BE REPORTED!
          Also, since this person was talking about not even caring about my decision to discontinue Vendetta... like I told them, even in real life, you want people who care about your decisions and boundaries around yourself, right? If someone doesn't care about them at all, it's a huge red flag. So I only want to say that if I decide to end some story or make a huge decision, I'm aware of the fact that I may disappoint the readers, but at the same time, I hope the readers understand and respect it. I'm a mature, independent woman and I make the decisions that are best for me, so if I decide to discontinue this story or that story or if I decide to post this or that instead of what I should... again, they're my OWN decisions and if someone can't respect them, it is, unfortunately, THEIR problem.
          And besides, I have many stories that are completed. :)
          Anyway, Blood Oath is currently being edited. I'm planning a short story instead of a one-shot, but I also have a one-shot in my draft, so I'll decide between them which will go first. The final decision will be announced on my IG first, as always. Also, as I promised, the next chapter will be out in November. Truthfully, these days, I'm quite lazy to write, but I'll kick myself to it. :)


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Yes, i am a new follower of you
          Because of your story
          But I'm really disappointed, why end it
          Yes, I read what you said before and after
          But it is not a good reason to end it because somebody copied it
          At least you end it, not that because of someone copied it you will stop it
          I hope I can looked for that author in WATTPAD
          So that I can read the story you did not finish.
          And I hope you end it, even though you said it was copied by others
          I don't care about your shit also(sorry for the word)
          I want to follow you because of that story
          But I'm doubting if all your  stories has no ending also. ✌️✌️


@norainasalik Btw, added to the first reply: imagine the only proof they give you is the takedown from Wattpad because they do not have REAL proof to provide that the story was originally theirs. Adding to that all, imagine you publish your story in 2021 (edit it in 2023), someone copies it THIS YEAR (2024), and then they accuse YOU that it was actually you who copied them (as I wrote above). Again, without proof that they originally own the story (which they cannot provide because, after all, the story is NOT theirs).
            And this all I mentioned to you to imagine, dear reader of Vendetta, is not even all I went through. So before you come to someone and accuse them blindly and even DARE TO write what you wrote, then please act mature and put yourself in the author's shoes. And also, to the future, and I do not care if you're a mature person or not, LEARN TO RESPECT SOMEONE'S DECISIONS!! 
            Anyway, I hope you'll have a nice Sunday and an amazing next week and day or night when you read this. :) ✌️✌️✌️


@norainasalik Another thing I want to point out again is, the fact that YOU don't think the reason I provided isn't a good reason to stop the story is, honestly, YOUR PROBLEM. You can't respect my decision? Then why should I care about your opinion? You suddenly accused me blindly and told me that you don't respect my decision and want to read my story on someone else's profile WITHOUT my permission... You are, sorry, a hypocrite. 
            And FYI, I didn't end it because someone copied it. Yes, it was one of the reasons, I admit. But then again, there are many reasons WHY I ended it. I pointed some of them in the discontinuation chapter, and some of them are none of the others' business.
            You said, I quote, "I hope I can look for that author so that I can read the story you did not finish" and then you said, "And I hope you end the story"??? Why then, if it'll be copied on SOMEONE ELSE'S PROFILE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION AGAIN????
            Well, then again, if you don't care about my sh*t, I do not care about yours. :)✌️✌️✌️ If you want to follow me ONLY because of that story and you basically do not care about my other ongoing, completed, or upcoming ones or my decisions, then you can simply walk away without coming to me and messaging me on my message board with a blind accuse. ✌️✌️✌️


@norainasalik I'm sorry, but you're basically telling me you want to read MY story on someone's else profile? Do you even realize what you just said, and the freaking audacity behind it? 
            And FYI, there's something like COPYRIGHT!! 
            You're a reader. Imagine you're an author, put your heart, soul, and time into your story, work really hard on it for years, go through many things with it, and then someone comes and just copies it. On top of that, that person tells you it was ACTUALLY YOU who copied their story. They CAN'T provide proof that story is originally theirs, published way before yours, and their constantly fight with you and tells on you to their followers, who are badmouthing you in the comments. You block this person, but this person is crying over the fact that you blocked them. Then moths later, they contact you again through IG, tell you the same thing again (through 2 different accounts, providing NO PROOF when you ask for it!), and fight with you AGAIN! Then you find out they made another chapter in their story about you blocking them and things and people are badmouthing you again. 
            And now tell me, how would YOU feel?
            Btw, you're not my follower. You are my reader. And if you check my reading lists, there are many of my stories that are FINISHED. One is currently being edited. So what you're saying is NOT true.
            Okay, don't follow me. I'm sorry to say this to you, but this is immature of you. Because if you follow someone and support them, you enjoy ALL of their stories, not just the only one story. You can follow an author through that one story if you like the author's writing style and storytelling, sure, but if you are a genuine supporter, you'll enjoy the author's other works too. And as an author, I wish my readers and supporters were those who like and enjoy ALL MY STORIES, and, above all, RESPECT MY DECISION if I make one. And trust me, even in real life, everyone wants those who respect their decisions and boundaries around themselves.


If you are not guilty off
          Why did you stop the story My name is Vendetta
          In discontinuing the story it only proves that it is not yours? 


@norainasalik Also, I forgot to say this... Please, don't accuse me blindly. I gave clear proof to everyone in the story and I explained everything in those 2 other chapters (before I wrote the discontinuation chapter) - besides, there was a period of time between the penultimate chapter and the last (discontinuation) chapter, so the decision wasn't made "hastily". And I think I explained properly why I decided to discontinue the story, and if the reader can't accept it, that is, unfortunately, the reader's problem. I decided to keep the story here beside everything, and the reason was pointed out in the discontinuation chapter.
            I also want you to know, since you're a new reader, that I went through sh*t (I'm sorry for my vocabulary) when it comes to this story. And no, it wasn't the reason why I decided to discontinue. So, again, I'm not guilty here. I proved everything, I proved the story was ORIGINALLY mine, and I proved I am the ORIGINAL author of the story too. :)


@norainasalik My proof is in the story (screenshot of the computer screen) and the reason for discontinuation is written there too. 