
          I am here to be friends with you, if interested let's go for follow for follow, vote for vote, read for read and comment for comment.
          Give a chance to my book "Mine to Love"- Ongoing and add "Eternal hate Endless love" to your library for future.
          Follow me for the new start and I'll too..
          Let's support each other...
          Read my book and give me your reviews..❤️❤️


Hey dear,
          I would be really glad if you could give my book a chance. I am a rookie writer, so your votes and comments will motivate me to write more.
          Here's my book link -
          Please give my book a chance. I hope you vote and comment on each chapter. It will mean a lot to me. 
          Can we have a V4V and C4C?


Hii just a small suggestion. 
          While writing, put the dialogues in between Quotation marks. And use bold letters for a scene change like AT THE WAREHOUSE or AT THE POLICE STATION. It will help the readers to distinguish between scenes. 
          Otherwise everything's perfect
           I'm liking the story and the chemistry as well❤


Hi Dear
            Thank you so much for your suggestion! I'm glad you're enjoying the story and the chemistry between the characters. Your feedback is really helpful, and I appreciate you taking the time to share it.
            Thanks again for reading and supporting my work!


Please read my story and vote and comment on it. I would try my best to update it in the midst of my busy schedule. 


@burritosnowball definitely dear all the best