I was tagged by the amazing lovely Nada, so here are some of my facts:
(1) Biggest fear:
-Losing family members or friends, the thought of it like a ghost hunting my thoughts at any time of the day, as cliche as it may seem, it's effective.
(2) Obsessions:
-I'm so very obsessed with anything related to classics, like I'm so interested in classical stuffs, movies, newspapers, songs, culture, just anything that reveals how people used to live centuries ago, that's why I like searching about the great pharaohs.
(3) Most embarrassing moment:
-Oh gosh, why did you remind me of such situation!
Well, I was out with my friend and her sister, but my friend had to go to the restroom so she did leaving me with her super super super like super talkative sister, she was talking to me about her grand grand grandmother's friend!
So the only way I found to escape that torture is to play any music on my phone and pretend it's my ringtone and that somebody is calling .
Holding the phone against my ears, I started talking to that virtual somebody, but to my awful luck, another friend of mine called me and the ringtone sang right into my ears! I started to panic and my cheeks were as red as a tomato, she said "How's your phone ringing when you're already talking?" and I was like "What?" "Oh I'm so surprised how is it ringing?" in such a silly tone, I resumed "It's the waiting, yea, I got a very loud sound of my waiting" before running off to my friend, I was so embarrassed, I didn't know what to do!
(5) Fave movies:
-Lucky 7, The Black Swan, My Name's Khan and Winter's Tale.
There's defenitely a lot more than just that.
(6) Life Inspiration:
-Proving myself and living life as it should be lived, I guess.
Whoa, that was so long! but thank you @xxrollingstonesxx for tagging me, I love youuu xx
Now I tag:
@sara_salem // @sorryforbeingme // @clockworkkwriter // @Tattooeddhearts // @NotSoCheesy // @demoralize // @farihachowdhuryx // @harryfeelssigh_ // @louran // @writerje