
Thank you for 1M reads on Want  


Hey! I'm a representative of G∅∅d N∅vel. I want to ask if you'd be interested in signing one or more of your stories with my platform. No pressure, if you're not interested then you can simply tell me or ignore. And if you're here are some details about the contract we offer.
          Good Novel is a legit platform, where writers get encouraged and paid for there hard work.
          We offer two contracts.
          Exclusive Contract: It pays better. Once you sign the contract and update up to 30k words, you get your signing bonus which is $100, also your book gets locked, and you start making 50% shares earned from your book. You can withdraw immediately you get up to $100
          That's not all, this is more of our payment scheme.
          120k words = $100 signing fee
          $150 attendance bonus
          $250 Completion bonus
          Total: $500
          150k words = $100 Signing few
          $150 × 2  = Attendance bonus
          $325= Completion bonus
          Total = $725
          230k words = $100 signing fee
          $150 × 4 = Attendance bonus
          $400 = Completion bonus
          Total = $1,100 
          330K Words = $100 Signing fee
          $150×6 = Attendance bonus
          $400 + $1,000 = Completion bonus
          Total = $2,400 USD
          Non-Exclusive Contract: You can post your book on any other platform, as many as you like. We have no issue with you. You get 50% shares made from your book, and also get $50 when you update up to 120k words. which is now a paid story.
          Can we proceed? Pick one you feel comfortable with.
          you are interested in our mind-blowing offer, kindly reply this message , or better DM on Whatsapp+2348116298109


I made a Discord server specifically for wattpad romance writers! Here you can connect with fellow writers, share and receive feedback, get help with writing, find and read amazing stories of your interest, and enjoy casual chats with new people. This server is for romance writers. You are more than allowed to join if you’re a non-romance writer, but the discussion will focus primarily on romance writing topics.
          I'm no server developer, literally just a teen sitting at home and wanting to connect with more romance writers. I set this up in about fifteen minutes or so, so don't expect the best.
          Here's the link:


Hello there, I am an writer and tech entrepreneur, and I'm writing this message to see if you would like to join a product community we made to help writers make visual adaptation of their work by turning them into visual novels. 
          Last week, we turned two Wattpad books each over 1M reads into interactive stories on Knock Knock. We built Knock Knock so writers can create a high quality visual novel under 5 minutes - no coding, no art, just write.
          There are so much more I'd like to tell you, if you're interested feel free to check out my pfp for more testimonials & demos, and we hope to see you on our discord ❤️


Hello author! I hope you are doing well. I was re reading the story Amore mio and well…kind of missed it and I’m really very curious about what’s going to happen next. So I was wondering if you could let us know when you are starting to post it.
          Thank you 


Hello author!!! 
          Loved your book WANT a lot!!! Even started reading RESIST loved it so far!! Can't wait for next chapter. U are very good at writing, I wish you all the very best for the coming books and the ongoing one's. Keep up with your good work! Lots of love! Thank you for Asa and Cas.... Can't wait for the next chapter of RESIST ❤