
Hi! I would like to say that my Escape: Kieca, A Love That Doesn't Exist, and Innocent But Wild are now published! If you have a time you can visit or check my profile, find it then read my stories. If your reading this amd if you read my stories a BIG thanks in advance!


Hi dear(⌒o⌒)
          I just wanna reccomend the new story of this account ~> @RAxzus1 incase you wanna give it a try, and hope you would at least try it coz your read are really highly appreciated.ヘ(^_^)ヘ
          Title: Revenge in a way of Seduction(ฅ'ω'ฅ)
          Genre: Romance
          Her other story you might also like...
          Title: My Possessive Stranger
          Genre: Romance
          Status: Complete
          Title: The Mask
          Genre: Romance
          Status: On-going (fast update)