
Hello everyone! I apologize for an extended absence but I have return :D. I plan to release the final chapters of Servienne starting next week in time for the holidays. There are about eight chapters left to be released and then I will be releasing my sequel to Servienne. Stay tuned until then!


Hello everyone! I apologize for an extended absence but I have return :D. I plan to release the final chapters of Servienne starting next week in time for the holidays. There are about eight chapters left to be released and then I will be releasing my sequel to Servienne. Stay tuned until then!


We may have to evacuate for Hurricane Irma where I am, so I'm getting a bunch of chapters written up for "Servitude" just in case I won't be in a place to write much. Just thought I'd let you know, and if I disappear for a couple of days, it's probably because we're at an evac center or something.