
I am thinking of making a soulmate AU one shot book. Would you guys read it? 
          	You just look at the AU’s and pick one or if I don’t have it written, tell me about it. You can request any character you like. If I am not familiar with the character, they will probably be OOC, but I will do research on them. 


I am thinking of making a soulmate AU one shot book. Would you guys read it? 
          You just look at the AU’s and pick one or if I don’t have it written, tell me about it. You can request any character you like. If I am not familiar with the character, they will probably be OOC, but I will do research on them. 


hey hey hey !! beautiful person award !! once you are given this award you are to pass it to 8 persons message board who deserves it. nothing happens if you break the chain, but I think it’s sweet to know that someone appreciates your beauty. both of heart and visage


Awe. Thank you!