
the problem with my career choice has came too show, epically, being a writer is commitment.. knowing there are millions of us out there we cant all be herd. the definition of being a writer is a person who has so much to say and feed back on everything they see, but are to incredibly shy to show it.. So when we're alone with a pen and paper we jot down what we feel, therefore art is made. there's a lot of criticism for people like us, on top of the agony and depression we already face further more, & lets not forget to mention the daily battle we have going on deep inside suffer from self--a-steam everyday, we don't get a lot of support. but what most people don't know is that the day we become supported is the day we change the balance of harmony on the world.


the problem with my career choice has came too show, epically, being a writer is commitment.. knowing there are millions of us out there we cant all be herd. the definition of being a writer is a person who has so much to say and feed back on everything they see, but are to incredibly shy to show it.. So when we're alone with a pen and paper we jot down what we feel, therefore art is made. there's a lot of criticism for people like us, on top of the agony and depression we already face further more, & lets not forget to mention the daily battle we have going on deep inside suffer from self--a-steam everyday, we don't get a lot of support. but what most people don't know is that the day we become supported is the day we change the balance of harmony on the world.