
I just remembered now! It's already been 2 years today since I published my very first one-shot: "Yes Mommy | Sanzu Haruchiyo." I can't believe it's been so long!!
          	Happy 2nd anniversary, YM!!


For those who are confused or are probably new readers: I first published that one-shot (and the others) on my former account on January 24, 2022, before said account got deleted for some reason.


HENLOOOO AUTUMN~~~ I wanted to write this comment to praise your work cz I damn I ja read your smutshot book and damnnnnn I relate so hard the rindou one was so good like I couldn't help me imagine myself when I never did tht in the past cz it was so like my own character. I hope you keep posting it and idk if u take suggestions but bonten Mikey or izana or kakuchou as sub would be . And I hope you're doing well. Take care~~


I just remembered now! It's already been 2 years today since I published my very first one-shot: "Yes Mommy | Sanzu Haruchiyo." I can't believe it's been so long!!
          Happy 2nd anniversary, YM!!


For those who are confused or are probably new readers: I first published that one-shot (and the others) on my former account on January 24, 2022, before said account got deleted for some reason.


Hello, everyone. So, I'm presently working on a new chapter of WHH, and I may also release a new one-shot pretty soon. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to pub a new fanfic as well.
          Anyways, I just want to thank you all so much. I mean, 1k reads on WHH and 10k on OM? OMG, I'm so happy! I love you all so much!! No words are enough to describe my appreciation for you all, especially to my dedicated WHH readers who are still there despite me having some trouble keeping a stable update schedule haha.
          Once again, thank you, thank youuu so much! Your comments on my works are enough to make my whole day, y'all.
          Happy holidays, everyone! Have a good day/night!
          Lots of love~
          - wistful_autumnroses.


Exams = hell week. I doubt I'd even get to publish for this week but I'll see what I can do.


Update: exams done! Yay!


Okay, one more day to endure the exams and I'll finally be free... for a while. (*cries in "has a delayed exam on January"*)