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So. Hi. It's been a while. I'm sorry about that, but I've got some important things to get off of my chest, so I hope that you'll lend me a minute of your time. Basically, I want to leave Wattpad. Oops? This website has been a huge part of my identity for over decade at this point, and I want you all to know that it was hard to make this decision. I love my readers, and their enthusiasm for my stories that I started writing when I was sixteen years old. I can barely wrap my head around that, honestly. So, why leave? Well to put it bluntly, I never actually log on anymore. I've fully migrated over to ao3, a site I like a lot more that hasn't gone corporate or anything like that. My fandoms have also changed entirely since I was a Wattpad user. I highly doubt I will ever actually start writing my Teen Wolf fics again, let alone complete them. And while I still do hold a soft spot for Avalon, I have not opened her docs for years at this point, and have come up with less and less ideas for her as I've gotten older. I won't be fully deactivating my account, mostly because I don't think I have a lot of my chapters saved on my computer and I think I would cry very hard if I lost all of that work. Even if that isn't me anymore, it's still years of hard, dedicated work and I don't ever want to lose it. I will however be putting everything on private. I am so sorry to do this, but I don't really feel comfortable leaving everything up when I won't be returning. So. Private fics. Silent account. If you're still absolutely devastated by this decision (which, hi? Thank you for your loyalty holy shit??) I do have an ao3 account you're more than welcome to follow. There's nothing to do with Avalon on there, but who knows, maybe I'll come back to her one day and redo everything from scratch and add her to the Archive. No promises, though. My ao3 account is seijoh_soul. I have two baby works on there right now, but I have so many plans for the future. Thank you. Bye <3