
this message may be offensive
So. Hi. It's been a while. I'm sorry about that, but I've got some important things to get off of my chest, so I hope that you'll lend me a minute of your time. 
          	Basically, I want to leave Wattpad. Oops? This website has been a huge part of my identity for over decade at this point, and I want you all to know that it was hard to make this decision. I love my readers, and their enthusiasm for my stories that I started writing when I was sixteen years old. I can barely wrap my head around that, honestly. 
          	So, why leave? Well to put it bluntly, I never actually log on anymore. I've fully migrated over to ao3, a site I like a lot more that hasn't gone corporate or anything like that. My fandoms have also changed entirely since I was a Wattpad user. I highly doubt I will ever actually start writing my Teen Wolf fics again, let alone complete them. And while I still do hold a soft spot for Avalon, I have not opened her docs for years at this point, and have come up with less and less ideas for her as I've gotten older. 
          	I won't be fully deactivating my account, mostly because I don't think I have a lot of my chapters saved on my computer and I think I would cry very hard if I lost all of that work. Even if that isn't me anymore, it's still years of hard, dedicated work and I don't ever want to lose it. I will however be putting everything on private. I am so sorry to do this, but I don't really feel comfortable leaving everything up when I won't be returning. 
          	So. Private fics. Silent account. If you're still absolutely devastated by this decision (which, hi? Thank you for your loyalty holy shit??) I do have an ao3 account you're more than welcome to follow. There's nothing to do with Avalon on there, but who knows, maybe I'll come back to her one day and redo everything from scratch and add her to the Archive. No promises, though. 
          	My ao3 account is seijoh_soul. I have two baby works on there right now, but I have so many plans for the future. 
          	Thank you. Bye <3


this message may be offensive
So. Hi. It's been a while. I'm sorry about that, but I've got some important things to get off of my chest, so I hope that you'll lend me a minute of your time. 
          Basically, I want to leave Wattpad. Oops? This website has been a huge part of my identity for over decade at this point, and I want you all to know that it was hard to make this decision. I love my readers, and their enthusiasm for my stories that I started writing when I was sixteen years old. I can barely wrap my head around that, honestly. 
          So, why leave? Well to put it bluntly, I never actually log on anymore. I've fully migrated over to ao3, a site I like a lot more that hasn't gone corporate or anything like that. My fandoms have also changed entirely since I was a Wattpad user. I highly doubt I will ever actually start writing my Teen Wolf fics again, let alone complete them. And while I still do hold a soft spot for Avalon, I have not opened her docs for years at this point, and have come up with less and less ideas for her as I've gotten older. 
          I won't be fully deactivating my account, mostly because I don't think I have a lot of my chapters saved on my computer and I think I would cry very hard if I lost all of that work. Even if that isn't me anymore, it's still years of hard, dedicated work and I don't ever want to lose it. I will however be putting everything on private. I am so sorry to do this, but I don't really feel comfortable leaving everything up when I won't be returning. 
          So. Private fics. Silent account. If you're still absolutely devastated by this decision (which, hi? Thank you for your loyalty holy shit??) I do have an ao3 account you're more than welcome to follow. There's nothing to do with Avalon on there, but who knows, maybe I'll come back to her one day and redo everything from scratch and add her to the Archive. No promises, though. 
          My ao3 account is seijoh_soul. I have two baby works on there right now, but I have so many plans for the future. 
          Thank you. Bye <3


Hey I just want to say I love your Avalon books they are so good I Finished them all in 2 days.I know you haven't updated in a while but I just want to say take as much time as you need to heal and Focus on your self 


Just here to tell y’all that I’m still alive and still not writing but STILL have not given up on Avalon or any of my other stories. I have so many plans and ideas it’s just a matter of getting my brain to want to write them all down. But please know that I see all of your lovely and hilarious comments, I read them all even if I don’t respond. And it honestly blows me away that people are still finding my books after nearly six years of inactivity and loving my words! Like, it makes me tear up just thinking about it. And again, thank you all so so much for being so incredibly patient with me. I don’t know when I’ll be able to update, I literally have SO many health issues going on that haven’t been diagnosed bc the American health care system is AWFUL, but I know something is not right in my body. I don’t know if I’ll ever get answers, but if I do I promise to tell you guys. 
          Again, I see you, I love you, I thank you for your support.
          xoxo, ally 


@avalon_apollo i just wanna say that it is 2022 and I just found you and i hope youre doing okay (sorry for bad spellings, english is not my first language)


@avalon_apollo I love your books! They are amazing. Keep up the good work. I also hope you get better.


@avalon_apollo ofc! I've already recommended this book to many of my friends and others because it's written so ridiculously well and you have a real talent. Take all the time you need! <3


What if Bianca accidentally traveled to Avalon's real world with her instead of dying? That would be interesting.


I—you— excuse me a mo *runs to write this down* 
            No but actually that’s super similar to what I have planned! Not Bianca necessarily, but someone 


So I just read The Tower of Nero and...wow, tears. Did I see lots of places to make Avalon suffer? Oh yes, absolutely. Will YOU see these places? 
          We shall see


@avalon_apollo you're tellin me! I was reading it just yesterday and SO. MANY. HEARTBREAKS. Rick is so cruel!! P.s. Are you feeling better now? I just read your stories(they're amazing btw)


@avalon_apollo  Sorry this is really late. Love ur books btw. Yess! Lots of tears. I think it will be kind of awkward being in a whole series with her dad tho. (Still kind of confused about that) But it will be awesome when she meets Meg! They have such snarky attitudes it’s epic!


I’ve been in such an Avalon mood lately and wanting to write (but having no idea how to get back there after nearly four years of radio silence) so I tried to reread the books, and now I’m just sitting here cringing at how ~terrible~ my writing was especially in Parallel. Big oof. Now I have the ridiculously strong urge to edit my books and rewrite to my current standards, because I’m scared there will be this huge tonal shift once I start publishing new chapters in Ambivalence again. Would you guys be okay with me tweaking, or would you rather I leave the older books be and just continue on and not worry about the potential differences of my writing style? I know the choice is ultimately up to me but I like hearing your opinions, you’re my fans and I trust you guys :)
          xoxo, Ally


@avalon_apollo ik I'm really late but I don't mind your style rn it's great! you don't have to edit it:) You can just update the third book....but that's just my opinion you do whatever you need to:)


@avalon_apollo I'm rereading the entire trilogy right now and I still very much enjoy your writing, I don't think you should "change" the writing you have already done because I personally very much enjoy seeing writing styles change and mature throughout