
I need book recs! 


Can anyone please spoil me if "Dalesio" has happy ending or not!!!! Coz I'm not ready rn for a mental breakdown for a week!!!! Coz I was actually planning on reading this book since it's in my tbr since long! And does it have any cheating or ex drama involve? Coz I hate that trope so someone please spoil me!!! Thanks<333


@user97755962 ohhh okay I will def give it a try soon!!<333


There is no cheating! Dante is a little dramatic so maybe some drama but it is not a happy ending :( I still think it’s worth the read as long as you read the alternate ending ❤️


Hey could you please check out my book 
          Leave comments if you’ll like that would mean so much to me I love positive feedback
          Feel free to share and save to library for updates as well 
          Thank you for your time :)


It’s my birthday ! ❤️❤️ I just wanted to thank you guys for reading my stories and staying respectful, even through my spelling errors when I, “forget” to proofread 


I can’t forgive you for the ending of Dalesio. I was on the verge of crying but held the tears back as I was surrounded by my family. I am sad now :(


Oh my gosh! i’m sorry! I do have happy ending books posted (: i love you and thank for reading!! and sorry about the tears ❤️