
Let's hope 2021 is better than 2020 and 2019 were cause quite honestly I don't think I can handle it if it's anything like the last two years have been 


I have been in a funk for the last however long, with major writer's block. This has also, quite literally, been the worst year of my life. With that said, I am hoping to get out of this writer's block and be able to actually finish Forming A Band. I think we're nearing the end of it, after working on it on and off for the last few years. I just wanted to give ya'll a little update, I guess. So.  Thanks for your time and your patience.


Okay, so for those of you who are reading Forming A Band, I've kind of edited Chapter Thirty-Two. And by edited, I mean that I've added some stuff so go back and re-read that! :) Now I'm going to start the next chapter and hopefully my writer's block has removed itself from my mind.


For those of you reading Red Light, Go! I've updated chapter five! I know it's a day late, but I updated about an hour ago (at like six something in the morning!!!) And I had to work yesterday so, my job takes precedence over my hobby (as much as I wish it didn't I need the money lol) If you aren't reading Red Light, Go!, feel free to check it out anyways if you want I don't mind haha


UGHHHH! GUYS!! I've been working on something new that I've not published yet but I'm actually kinda excited too, and kind of nervous. I'm trying to see how much I can get down before publishing but... I don't know if I can wait lol. It doesn't have a cover yet and the genre is still kinda up for debate but my plans for it, I guess it fits Teen Fiction, even though the characters (for the most part) are not teens. Anywho... Yeah. I'll post the Preface for you guys...