I can just imagine the other leaders sharing about what happend to their tribe while the we separated and Poppy being like,
"Yeah, about 20 years ago we escaped from the bergens who had thought that eating a Pop troll would make them happy and that doing so was the only way to be happy. And long story short some trolls got captured, Branch and I went to save them and ended up teaching the Bergens that you don't have to eat a toll to be happy. So yeah now we are friends."
And the other leaders are like:................Are you ok????????
Cause she was so casual about that and so they are just looking at them weird while Branch and Poppy are confused as to why they are being looked at wierdly cause for the Pop trolls their history with the Bergans was just fact so they kind got a little numbed to it.
Like that definately happened, 100%, no if and's or but's about it. That happend.