
Hey people! Chapter 43 is out. Sorry for the constant delays and updates. Please bear with me till the end of April after that there will be constant updates. I plan to end this book by Jun - Aug and I want to start on the other book because it has been pending since 2023. So please bear with me guys and I am extremely sorry. Please accept this horrendous writer's apology my dear readers.


Hey people! Chapter 43 is out. Sorry for the constant delays and updates. Please bear with me till the end of April after that there will be constant updates. I plan to end this book by Jun - Aug and I want to start on the other book because it has been pending since 2023. So please bear with me guys and I am extremely sorry. Please accept this horrendous writer's apology my dear readers.


What's your schedule of update author? I can't really get a grasp of it?


@averartu it's alright then take care of yourself and when you have time update it 


@bhaswari3321 hi so sorry for the constant delays and everything it's because there is something going on currently. I'm extremely sorry for it. Please just bear it till the end of April. After that it will be constant updates, coz I want to end this story by the end of June this year or not latest July coz it's been quite a long year ready since the story has started. Again I'm extremely sorry for the constant delays 


Is there going to be any update for wrongly accused?


@averartu hey no need to apologise author. You have to live your life and write it when you feel like it 


@bhaswari3321 yes there would be prolly this week. So sorry for the continuous late updates  