
Hello everyone! Wow, it's been a while!  I see that some of you have sent me messages and I apologize for not replying in time, I haven't been on Wattpad in years : ( If any of you want to be mutuals on social media, we can! yeah! I'd love to help or meet some of you if I can! Hopefully it doesn't sound weird, some of you are just lovely so I'd like to not lose contact since my Wattpad account is basically dry and dead lol. Anyways, that's it! I hope you're all doing okay during this crazy time! virtual hugs for you all >.< Probably will log off Wattpad soon again, since, yeah it's long forgotten by me lol: "(


Hello everyone! Wow, it's been a while!  I see that some of you have sent me messages and I apologize for not replying in time, I haven't been on Wattpad in years : ( If any of you want to be mutuals on social media, we can! yeah! I'd love to help or meet some of you if I can! Hopefully it doesn't sound weird, some of you are just lovely so I'd like to not lose contact since my Wattpad account is basically dry and dead lol. Anyways, that's it! I hope you're all doing okay during this crazy time! virtual hugs for you all >.< Probably will log off Wattpad soon again, since, yeah it's long forgotten by me lol: "(


my new boyfriend, who i have been dating for a month, CHEATED on me. don't really know how to feel right now, but im getting through it. all of this pain inspired me to write my book, which will be published THIS WEEK on friday night!! thank you all for being patient <3
          and of course, THE BIGGEST THANK YOU goes out to my girls who listened to me and are helping me through this crappy state. i love you <3 


@aviannascorner  I don't have a relationship cause I am too young, but confront him and if he says he is actually cheating on the other person, just say, "I don't want to be with a Cheater even if he is cheating on someone else.to be with me." You'll get over if. I promise you, after you get older and have cute Kids, he gonna be Jelly. I am getting weird now -


@callieIFG ahh thank you so much <3


hey guys! so I know I've been inactive lately, I guess I've just been feeling unmotivated and lazy. You may or may not know that I got catfished a few months back, and it hit me harder than I believed it would. I distanced myself from my friends, internet ones and the ones I grew up with. I've had this fear that I'll lose them. So what I'm trying to say is, I'm officially back. No more excuses. I'm ready to work and interact with you all. I will post a book this week I believe! I was supposed to post it at the beginning of this year, just showing ya'll how lazy I felt. After that I'll do the covers I got a request for, I'm sorry for the long wait. Again. Hope you're all having a blessed and happy day!


Awe :( I hope everything looks up soon! My DMs are open <3


I hope you’re okay! If you need anyone to talk to, I’m here :)


@-chiii Definitely!! Especially Gold and Kyran lol, I like the ship Falec but I'm leaning more towards Evan and Funneh lol


Hi aviana can u pls make a cover for my book?Its called questions.Ty even if u dont accept


@funfunneh sure.Its about vampires.Btw tysm for dping this cuz im a noob at drawing lol.


@funfunneh of course I can make you a cover!! I will be able to make it next week cause right now I'm on vacation. Could you tell me what the book is about so I get the cover right?


this message may be offensive
I saw those "Pedophiles are people too because love is love" posters.I'm truly disgusted. Who in their right mind can support an old stinky shit bag for falling in love with a kid and doing things that are so.. unholy and wrong.There are people encouraging the idea and I'm just taken aback. I ask all of you to take good care of your younger friends and siblings, keep them safe, spread the word so this horrible thing can be stopped!!! Don't let the people with low standards control this world how they wish.


@ aviannascorner  They are stupid, disgusting people. Everyone should be careful. Take care everyone 


Thank you for ze follow Avianna! ❤


Aww ❤ You're really kind ! But yeah I sometimes want to disappear too..


@QUEEN_MEL15 Girl, did you even see my old stories? Omg they make me facepalm and just cringe so much I wish to disappear.  But listen, no matter how cringy you may think it all is, it's really not. It's just how writers feel at times. The story I started reading is great so far, so just keep doing the great work!!!


❤ I'm telling you right now! The story is cringey!! I'm planning on changing the story so...yeah :( 
            Watch out for the cringe


hey guys!!
          sorry for being inactive.
          I recently broke up with my boyfriend, and then soon later I found out I was being catfished.
          It's a rough time for me right now and I hope you can understand, I will be answering comments and messages soon.
          thank you!!


@Natare2 Thank you girl! It means a lot that you believe in me.. just thank you <3


@WolfHowl5829 thank you so much! It really means the world to me to have support from you all!!!


@aviannascorner  remember that we are here for you .I know that you can get through this  ^-^


am i the only one who gets episodes of just feeling disconnected with the world? stress has bad effects on crap these days.


@ aviannascorner  ❤❤❤Anytime ❤❤❤


@aviannascorner aww it means a lot to have you by my side Nat, thank you ❤


@ aviannascorner  You are not alone Avi❤