
          	Ahh that sucks! Hope u don't catch a cold! Ya I don't really like sports, but my parents make me do at least something so I decided to do tennis because it's the one I like the most. They don't like me going out for runs because they are kind of overprotective (but I love them(: )
          	My grandparents live half way around the world from me haha(:
          	Hope u survive!


          Ahh that sucks! Hope u don't catch a cold! Ya I don't really like sports, but my parents make me do at least something so I decided to do tennis because it's the one I like the most. They don't like me going out for runs because they are kind of overprotective (but I love them(: )
          My grandparents live half way around the world from me haha(:
          Hope u survive!


@SarcasmIsMyBFF I always get in to arguments with them. One my brothers friends is a red head, anyway i had this party in June and i spent the whole time with him arguring how being red head is awersome. 
          As for you being cold. i went for a run this morning and it rained the whole time and i'm just had a shower, but god i was freezing. I don't do much sport so that will be fine for the next four monthst. Freaking hate sport and i use to go to a sport school, weird. Well i've got to go see my grand parents fun, NOT.


@SarcasmIsMyBFF Um wet. Its been non stop raining for like four days and it's flooding. Probaly good idea I go to bed. I have get up early tomorrow. Its like half eleven. Have fun at tennis. 
          I think I just say there friend cause I've known this girl since I was four and we talk to each other seven maybe eight time a year now and we are still great friends. Its just they both want to reach there dreams and we don't know what happens behind closed doors. Abby is stunning. I actually think she's prettier than Taylor maybe cause I like red heads better than blondes. 
          Not sure what episode that is but I remeber the whole point of two so fits there some where. Im half way through three it's had a break on tv cause of Christmas. 


          Ahh thanks for pic! And ya the vampire diaries is amazing!! But im watching on Netflix and I'm on S2E14 I think... Ya that makes sense that they didn't see each other.. I was just a bit confused on why.. 
          Abigail is really pretty too(: 
          Ahhh have to go play tennis now! It's supposed to rain today, but it hasn't started yet... 
          This is such a mainstream question but how's the weather like in England? 


@SarcasmIsMyBFF Here's the pic. http://somedaygonnabegone.tumblr.com/post/38874362151
          Well as far as I know Taylor and Abby didn't spend much of the Summer together which is when the song was written. I think Abby spent most of it swimming and her and Taylor didnt meet up very much. She was recording her album after all. Abby said on her twitter a while ago that she and Taylor try to talk to each other as much as they but they are both busy people They probably are meeting up ove this holiday though Taylor always goes home and they did last year. That's the only thing I've gotten close to an answer. 
          Love vampire diaries. 


          Ya I don't think that's stalking at all! I did that for a lot of the pretty little liars cast(: but now I'm interested in The Vampire Diaries... Off topic oops.. Anyways, in the song 22, abigail wasn't in the secret message for song lyrics and I was just wondering if u knew what that was about..? 


@SarcasmIsMyBFF I think im kinding of hoping it's a pubicy stunt not that I think she would do that. He wrote two songs on the album little things and over again. He also wrote moments on their first. I love finding out other songs people write that the sell. I love looking in to singers back ground. One my friends thinks im a stalker. I mean I follow two of Taylor friends from high school which weren't mention loads as well as sam, should've said no. I found sam and drew, first boyfriend as well as drew harwick Facebook. It not hard though I mean Abby follows them on twittet and type there name bam  Oh let me just find this link for a picture I found. Its real sam posted it on his twitter and it's a message from his dad. Its Haylor related which is why I mention it. 


          Little Things is my favorite song by them by far! Didn't know its written by Ed sheeran but not surprised(: 
          Ya I knew you were trouble has a very emotional music video!! And WANEGBT is very catchy(:
          I love the song 22!! But she's 23 now( ehe(: but guess what? My sister has Taylor swifts birthday!! It's not fair!! Lol.. But seriously I really want my first concert to be hers or Ed sheerans! That would be cool too but idk when he goes on tour..
          I have those same rules for boys!! 
          Ya I agree.. Taylor and Conner were really cute... But if she really likes harry, I guess I can live with it(:
          I dont think she's a publicity stunt, I think she's just looking for the perfect guy..? Idk I'm not her I just don't think she would do something like that...