
*   anne w an e  anons pls


good     morning    anne      ,      heading    to    school    so     early       ?  


@SMAGDARINES        &'.        *   part  of  her  stomach  tossed  and  she  felt  her  heart  drop  *      ...   m —  marilla   and   matthew   would   have   a   fit   if   they   saw   me   out   past   curfew   and  ,   and   they'll   get   worried ,   you  know ?   i  don't  think  it's  safe  to  —  to  be  around  lakes  at  night !  you  could  drown ,  or  —  or  someone  can  sneak  up  and  push  you  in  !   *   she  gulped  nervously ,  picking  up  her  steps  and  walking  quickly   *   on  second  thought ,  i  think  i  might  take  the  shortcut  to  school . 


tale   has   it   ,   she   roams   the   lake   ----    wailing    as   she   walks   barefoot   ,    letting   her   long    white    dress    drag    behind   her  .    no   one   knows   what   she's   looking   for   ,    or   why   she   haunts   the   lake  ,    but    people   have   seen   her   during   the   night   .      *    he   raised   an   eyebrow     *     if   you   so   want   to   haunt    the    lake   ,    i   dare   you   to   come   out   there   at   night    ----     see   if   you   can   spot   her   .      *    he    smirked   at    that     *      hope    she    doesn't    torment    you    and    drag     you    to   the   bottom   of   that   lake  . 


@SMAGDARINES        •             no  ,   but  i'd  love  to  hear  it  .   *  she  looked  over   towards   the   lake  ,   admiring  the  way  the  water  shined  thanks  to  the  sun  *    if  i  was  the  lady ,  i  wouldn't  mind  haunting  the  lake   ....   look  at  how  beautiful   it   is   —   imagine   roaming   it   underneath   the  moonlight  and   sunlight . 