
Hey guys so this is for the readers out there reading "I'm Back" and I wanted to say the reason you may have for being confused is because something happened with my wattpad so chapters "Hey There" and "The other reason got mixed around" or its been like that the chapters are supposed to go  "Naruko", "I'm Back", "Hey There " and then "The other reason" so yeah it might have been that way before but I don't think so


Hey guys so this is for the readers out there reading "I'm Back" and I wanted to say the reason you may have for being confused is because something happened with my wattpad so chapters "Hey There" and "The other reason got mixed around" or its been like that the chapters are supposed to go  "Naruko", "I'm Back", "Hey There " and then "The other reason" so yeah it might have been that way before but I don't think so


Hey!! I read a little bit of the naruto fanfiction (Im Back). I like it the story line is cute, but your writing skills could use a little bit of work. Believe me Im not trying to be rude or mean but if you need help writing just look at a book you have at home and see how theres commas and spaces, oh and how you know who is talking. I had a teeny bit of trouble trying to figure out a little on who was talking in part of the story. Anyway cant wait for chapter 4. :) XD XOXO Luv ya