Hey Alyssa, thank you so much for fanning me, it means a lot! Here's a cookie of my appreciation *Hands over cookie* Enjoy, and I hope you enjoy my story :) I love Cassandra Clare :)
Omfg U fanned me =)=)=) holy crap I'm xcited cause u r my first fan that I didnt fan first u my friend r awesome!!!!!!!!!! <[=) !!!!!!!! () () thank you!!
(%u2022 . %u2022)
hiya! i was wondering (and i know this must get boring...) if you would would take a look at my story "Burden to bare" as im not sure whether to carry on with it still....
Please comment and tell me what you think!
Jadda x
Hey Alyssa!
Thank you so much for becoming a fan! I love my fans and it means so much to have your support :) I hope you like the story so far!
-Ruby xx