
That moment when you're trying to sneak out late at night and your parents decide to take the dog out.


More people  need  to  read  this  book, it has good  friendships, love, suspension, and  adventure.  Please don't  let  this  book die.  I need to  see  how  Taylor and Arya finds out they are sisters     plus I would like to know their mother's  story.


          I need help deciding on the new cover for my book "Forever and Always." Go vote on one of the 4 latest chapters in "Dragon Blood and Flesh" for which cover you like the best. Whichever cover is voted on the most will be the covee I use. Keep in mind you can ONLY VOTE ONCE so make your choice wisely. Last day to vote is January 1. Thank you all so much!


Sometimes I feel something/one/place tugged on me to go towards it/them. I think it's God pulling me towards the right situations. It takes some time to figure out but I think people need to start taking hold of those tugs and going with them.