
No. Nope. Nopeity nope nope nope. So I made a lemon and sent it to my friend. Tell me why she's forcing me to write lemons now. Everytime I sit down she texts me and tells me to write a lemon. Honey I am too busy trying to move to write you a lemon. I hate stairs and I hate boxes.


No. Nope. Nopeity nope nope nope. So I made a lemon and sent it to my friend. Tell me why she's forcing me to write lemons now. Everytime I sit down she texts me and tells me to write a lemon. Honey I am too busy trying to move to write you a lemon. I hate stairs and I hate boxes.


I'm starting to hate music. Everytime love songs or rock comes on I start crying. And I have tried skipping it but I can't. Love sucks. Can my emotions just leave me alone and let me be in peace without making me feel terrible? Sigh. WHAT'S WORSE IS THAT THE PERSON I'M STILL IN LOVE WITH FLIRTS WITH ME AND I'M JUST LIKE AHHHHH. (Someone come sweep me off my feet and love me.)