
@R_hope_01 it's okay love


          Sept. 29, 2014           11:45 pm
          To all of my followers•••••
          Today is probably normal for you. But for me it's not. I don't mean it is not normal in a good way, I mean like in a depressing way…… 
          I want to cut badly. Just to take the pain away. All the times I have been bullied, pranked, teased and hurt i have cut. Of corse I'm sensitive and people should know that…
          I don't know if I'm bi, or lesbian. I would like to know if you would accept me for who I am? I mean I THINK I'm bi or lesbian, I DON'T know if I am or not. This is really hard for me to talk about this. And plus my mum and dad and I are fighting. I hate this. I hate my life. No one will like me. No one.
          Well that's all for today:/ 
          Btw: @rocker_girl_1012 doesn't have a twitter anymore:/


When you are weak,
          When you are dying, 
          Lost in all directions,
          No faith in you left,
          Just believe, just believe,
          I will be there, by your side in every challenge, no matter what, well make it through.
          When you are lost,
          When everything is hopeless,
          Hurt on the inside, and pain on the outside, life won't let you give up,
          Just believe, just believe,
          I will be there, by your side in every challenge, no matter what, well make it through.
          You just gotta try! Never give up!
          Believe in yourself, trust me, life is a challenge, but you can do this! You're a champion in every way, your strong and will make it, just believe in yourself you can do it!
          Just believe, just believe,
          I will be there by your side, in every challenge,  not matter what, we will make it through!
          Just keep your faith, keep your faith, believe in yourself, you can do it, just believe in yourself. Just believe. Oh-oh, just believe.
          ©Just believe by awkward_fanfics
          ®Just believe_2014


When anybody has put you down, you don't want to kill them because, if you would then you wouldn't be the hero you have always wanted to be. Instead you would just be that villain who kills people without any thought.
          Live happily and love your life because your life is a gift. Once you get it and ruin it its gone.
          When life gives you lemons you make lemonade out of it:)


@awkward_fanfics  so beautiful..*crying while clapping* Marvelous