Black lives matter and until then not all lives matter.
Please donate and sign petitions to help the movement. It is not enough to "not be racist" we have to be actively anti-racist. Call out and challenge prejudice and anti-black remarks that family and friends make. Educate yourself about the matter if you are not aware. Read and listen and watch. There is no excuse to stay silent unless you couldn't care less. Unless you are part of the problem.
Please use your voice, please don't stay silent. Does it not bother you that black people are dying because of the color of their skin?
George Floyd, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor. We know their names. But, how many more have been swept under the rug? How many more names don't we know? Not one of them have gotten justice and that is what we are fighting for because, Black Lives Matter.
Does it not bother you that they have not gotten justice? Because if it does then, why would you stay silent?
Ignorance fosters oppression. And silence is a betrayal.
This is an issue that affects all.
"Liberty and justice for all" my ass. Let's try to make that a reality because today, right now, it is not. Stand for what is right!
Spread awareness.
And to anyone protesting please stay safe.
- J.C