
Hey guys! So I am working on new updates for my Cross-Over, but I just published a new book! If you wouldn't mind checking it out, it's called "Monsters in Suits"


Here’s a quote from my current update that i thought y’all would like. If y’all have any ideas of what the context is or what’s gonna happen in the new update, go ahead and post them! Hope y’all enjoy!<3
           “The boys both stopped for a second. They understood what it means for Kaname, a pure-blood, to ask them a question, and yet they both found themselves choked up. Maybe it was because the situation hadn't set in and they still weren't okay with what happened to Chi, or maybe they didn't know how to tell him what she meant to them. 
          Sure it was silly, they had met once or maybe twice and yet they felt themselves gravitating towards her. She had no flamboyant personality like Yuki or the other girls they have flirted with, yet they are caught up on her. 
          Whether they knew it or not, she was so different because she wasn't hanging around them because she has a crush on them, or because she was told to because they were of the same social status, but rather, she found herself hanging out with them because she genuinely enjoyed their company. An idea that was rather new to them both. 
          Hanabusa, the woman magnet was at a loss for words. Sure he had 'friends' in the Night Class, but that wasn't the same. His vampire friends were the people he'd known from what feels like birth yet has had the same topic of discussion since then, no time for fun. Chiyo, however, gave new life to his definition of 'friend.' They may have only spoken a few times, but he still laughed and talked about something other than the boring duties that he as had since birth.”


Aww! Thank you soo much! I know I’ve read a bunch of cross over books like this and I always hated how easy they found out her secret and then also just left the story, so I hope that mine is different! I really want to build a relatable character and give tension to the relationship with the night class so it’s not just the automatic they fall in love, I want it to be a push and pull. I also have big plans for Ikki, the bookkeeper, and keizo, the loyal vampire! Oh dear- I’ve said too much, well hope you can figure the hint out!