
Hey guys, I just wanted to say something. I lost my best friend today. Not cancer or anything, she killed herself because she couldn't take it. And I couldn't save her. I should've but I couldn't. Things got so much for her that she jumped from the 9th floor. That takes a lot of courage and I wish she didn't have that, I wish she was a coward and didn't have the guts to jump but she was brave when she shouldn't have been.
          	She died because she thought she was alone. That there was no one for her. But I was there and she didn't let me in. If I ever heard her say something she would be here with me but she isn't.
          	You're not alone, not now not ever. If you think that you have no one, then know what, message me, call me. Do anything, talk. I'll listen. I'll save you when no one else could. I won't let you down like everyone else. I can't let anyone down now. It takes too much. Suicide is not the answer. It may seem like it but what about after. I don't know what happens but I wish I never know. And I hope none of you do.
          	Please stop and make people stop. You have a life ahead of you. And you're gonna have the best time of your life. And you're gonna find someone who loves you and its gonna be okay. Please don't jump. Please.
          	Rest in peace Riya, I love you, I will always love you


@awkwardpersonality omg I'm so sorry to hear what has happened. I hope u r doing fine if u ever need to talk just message me.


Hey gurly how are u doing? <3


@CalvinHarris24 heyy girl, sorry for not getting back to you sooner but wattpad reminded me of my friend too much. Happy New Year! I hope you have a great one. Drop me a message whenever you're free, I'd love to talk to you


Hey guys, I just wanted to say something. I lost my best friend today. Not cancer or anything, she killed herself because she couldn't take it. And I couldn't save her. I should've but I couldn't. Things got so much for her that she jumped from the 9th floor. That takes a lot of courage and I wish she didn't have that, I wish she was a coward and didn't have the guts to jump but she was brave when she shouldn't have been.
          She died because she thought she was alone. That there was no one for her. But I was there and she didn't let me in. If I ever heard her say something she would be here with me but she isn't.
          You're not alone, not now not ever. If you think that you have no one, then know what, message me, call me. Do anything, talk. I'll listen. I'll save you when no one else could. I won't let you down like everyone else. I can't let anyone down now. It takes too much. Suicide is not the answer. It may seem like it but what about after. I don't know what happens but I wish I never know. And I hope none of you do.
          Please stop and make people stop. You have a life ahead of you. And you're gonna have the best time of your life. And you're gonna find someone who loves you and its gonna be okay. Please don't jump. Please.
          Rest in peace Riya, I love you, I will always love you


@awkwardpersonality omg I'm so sorry to hear what has happened. I hope u r doing fine if u ever need to talk just message me.


Omg yasssssssss Ur book is sooooooo awesome!!!


@CalvinHarris24 awwww Lol u made my day. Keep writing tho because I LOVE ur story and ur and AWESOME writer.


@CalvinHarris24 You're the only reason I'm writing babe


Hey gurly can u please update Just A summer? Please I've been waiting for soooo long lol I'm not rushing u or anything take ur time


@CalvinHarris24 I perfectly understand so u don't have to update right away I have tons of AP Biology homework to finish by next week because unfortunately school starts again. So don't worry gurly I can wait :D 


@CalvinHarris24 I'm so sorry babe. Just had so much work, I'll update today or tomorrow, pinky swear


Dear, @awkwardpersonality's,
          OMG! Thank-you sooooo much for the dedication. This just made my day. Keep writing bcuz ur an amazing author and I'm in love with ur story. P.S: u should totally do a Pov of Alex. 
          Always Smile <3


@CalvinHarris24 Believe me, I would not have continued without reading your hilarious comments which just make my day. Thanks for everything love <3