30 day Story-Writing Challenge:
For all the writers out there in zee interwebs, I'm calling you out. Write a story, can be about anything you want, for the next month. No restrictions on the topic that you wanna write about.
1. You have to write a chapter each day. No skipping days. Skip a day & you lose.
2. Minimum 4 pages (front & back is 2 pages) handwritten[ if you decide to and write it that day, but it has to be typed overall. How else are we gonna read it?] or 500 words typed. You can hand write it but it eventually has to be typed.
3. Must be posted socially on either Facebook (notes), Wattpad [preferred site], or Tumblr.
4. Chapters can be whatever length, but there can be NO MORE than 30 chapters total. Story must be completed by the end of the 30 days.
5. Chapters have to be posted before Midnight of the following day.
@manilovessprinceton came up with this because there are a lot of undercover writers and I wanna see the skills that everyone has. Plus, its fun using your imagination at times. Sooo, we're challenging you guys to do this with me. Try to get as many reads & comments as possible by the end of the challenge.
Story with the most reads wins~
Tell other people. If you're interested in doing this, tell me & stuff and don't forget to spread it!