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been a while, isn't it? hope everyone's doing okay during quarantine. please stay safe. wear masks, put on hand sanitizer and six feet apart at all times ! also, seeing the world fighting for human rights, i would like to say that black lives do matter. i'm really upset about some people using their privilege for the wrong reason and not using their platform to help out. i hope all of you take the time to sign all petitions and donate to any necessary charity ! this is so so important. let's get justice for them. now, onto next thing. i haven't been updating miles apart under the same stars for a quite a while now. i've been really busy and my mind isn't in the right place at the moment. i'm been losing inspiration and interest lately. but, i promise you i'll keep trying my best to continue it. some time in the future i might rewrite it because this version that you're currently reading is super fucked up so i'll fix it when the time's right. some of my old drafts might keep you company in the near future :) not that sure yet but yeah, again, stay safe and please take care of yourself !! love, axel