
Heyy!! I'm officially done with finals luckily! For the people I'm rping with imma be going through everyone's to respond so it may take me a day or two to respond to everyone. Also I will be coming out with a couple new ocs, I can't guarantee when but I'll be within the week at least. I hope you all have a amazing winter break, good luck on finals and happy holidays! 


Heyy!! I'm officially done with finals luckily! For the people I'm rping with imma be going through everyone's to respond so it may take me a day or two to respond to everyone. Also I will be coming out with a couple new ocs, I can't guarantee when but I'll be within the week at least. I hope you all have a amazing winter break, good luck on finals and happy holidays! 


Yo! Sorry that I've been gone for like almost a year, I had a lot of personal stuff going on at the time and I deleted wattpad for a good while. I'm back now, I can't promise much consistency but I am trying to do better. I plan on trying to start rping again, so if you'd like to tag me so we can continue then feel free too, if you understandably don't just let me know. 


            Lol it's alright, uh yeah that would be awesome.


@axol-waddle ACK-
            Sorry, never got the notification you replied!
            Want me to pm you the idea?


@axol-waddle Hey. Glad to see u back. Our discord chat is still open if ur interested in continuing that.


Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah and I hope the endo of the semester is going well. As a few know I am in college and I'm gonna be having finals for the next couple weeks which means I am extremely busy for the next couple weeks. I do hope everyone has a wonderful break and holidays, if you wish to tag me then I don't mind but I can't promise a response.


I tried to add you on discord but my phone doesn’t have those little circle things TwT


@BiroAceDisaster3590 ok! Send me your discord in pm, I'm sorry I meant to change that a while ago 


Yo does anyone miss like the news feed they used to have on here so you could see what the people you follow are doing? Because I didn't.


@axol-waddle lol your good I was just joking about when I was on my old account and that happened


@axol-waddle I do hope I'm not one of the people who spam you. I tend to leave people be when they don't reply because I don't want to bother them and they are most likely busy


@brazilian_girl1234 it's all fun in games until that one person you're role-playing with starts spamming you the second they see you active


Do ya'll ever just think about how you started on this app, and feel a need to connect back with what made you start role-playing? 
          Because low-key there used to be a lot more 18+ smut roleplays and I sometimes miss that. Just for not particular reason one day I'll be like, I wanna do some smut roleplays and there will be nothing...Now I'm not going to make one myself because wattpad would delete everything. I hold dear but I miss lawless wattpad sometimes.
          ANYWAY  if anyone wants to do a small oneshot smut roleplay I'm all for it. Just pm me.