Wow, hello! Okay! I wasn't expecting an increase in followers when I get back at all. I have a few announcements to make, so sit tight!
1) I've been busy with my sister's wedding for most of 2017. She has been declared someone's wife in October.
2) I got a fulltime job as a business journalist so a discrepancy in voice is going to appear and I'm not sure if a lot of you are going to like it.
3) I'm re-writing Wrath of the Violet Embers! In a male POV, so it's a little strange.
4) I'm getting married next year, God willing!
5) if you read Myounogatari, my husband to-be was made a model for one of the characters. Yes, he has appeared in Myounogatari although we have a few more appearances planned soon. Stay tuned!
6) We plan to leave for Japan for his teaching internship and for me to take up a teaching job.
There we have it! I'll be busy again for the next few months for mine, so time to nosedive into a new world.