
@CloudyRainy321 Hm. And do YOU know what I went through? No? Well, let me tell you. That bitch lied to me, cheated with my girlfriend(LilK13), got me in trouble countless times, and forced half of the grade to bully me. You think he's my friend, but he's not. But why am I on his side, you ask? Well. I saw Mai abusing him, and I was told many bad stories about her. I was inclined to join your side for a while, but I couldn't stand it anymore. You guys kept laughing at him (ex. "imma lmao", "haha nice joke", etc.). He might've done all that, but he wasn't disrespectful. That's why. Kayleen is another story though. Anyways, he did all that to me, then why aren't I doing the same thing you guys are? Because I know that he was sorry. He did countless favors for me after that day, starting with making me the most popular in the grade. I forgave him, and honestly, compared to that, this is like a speck of dust. Yes sorry. I know he is. I wouldn't have taken his side otherwise. And, for the rey, no, it wasn't that it reminded him. YOU came to his profile. He didn't do anything.