
Tronnor fanfic posted by tomorrow night


Where did all my friends go? No one understands me truly anymore. I know that when my friends see this they will say oh is it that boy again? Well guess what yeah it is. And I know he is imaginary but honestly he is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I do cry every night knowing that he may be out there somewhere and if he is he probably doesn't even know I exist. I know it's not like someone passed away or anything but honestly it's done so much damage to me and I cant take it anymore. I just want to be happy again. No one calls me anymore, no one texts me anymore, no one listens to me anymore.. well not many people ever did. There you go.. I'm not perfect, I have flaws, I have problems, sometimes I can't walk, sometimes I cry but guess what? So do you. So don't hide your flaws, if your gonna be a fake friend just don't cause it's just simply rude. Go ahead call me an attention seeker I honestly don't care anymore. I never wanted to hurt anyone all I ever wanted is for him to be real... cause he is my best friend and I love him but no one will ever understand cause no one ever listens. If you've read up to this point I'd like to thank you cause actually took your time to read this. I'm not special but you are to me cause you've made it this far, in life and in this comment. Goodbye and I hope you have a good life weather thats with or without me. Your choice...