Hi everyone!
Been a minute since I’ve written on this board but I just wanted to give you all a little update.
Still currently writing the Part 2, What Once Was, and it’s taking a lot longer than expected. I have the ending done and complete but my middles are a little fuzzy at the moment. But I’m working on it and should release a few new chapters soon!
Next, I had an idea for another book. It’s more of a love triangle that would involve Scarlett and Lizzie. I usually only use Lizzie as a BFF or mother figure, so I thought it would be a fun dynamic since I also think Scarlett and Lizzie are total opposite in real life. My thoughts were them both falling for a normal, regular, hard working teacher (y/n) and have the whole trials and triumphs of two woman coming at you.
I’d love to know your’s thoughts on that!
Also, I know they took away the messaging on here but anyone is welcome to comment on these things or leave a note! I’d always get back to you!
Hope you all have a wonderful day, and hopefully here’s to a few chapters being done asap!